This screen Prompts the user to either input their login info or sign up. The sign in collects information such as user email and all desired gaming devices they wish to have linked to their account.
User Profile
The Profile page show the users game specific information. This includes The users gaming style based on seven game genres, a recent played game, the gamers most played Characters, and the top achievements.
Genre Graph
The genre graph shows what kind of games the user plays over seven base game genres. The user can select any of the genres to see what games they play within that selected genre. The list is organized with the games played most at the top.
User Titles
Titles are an in app achievement tracker as well as a way for users to show off their accomplishments from all their games. The titles come in three tiers, bronze, silver, and gold and get harder to achieve the higher the tier is. The user can select any of their completed titles as the title they are known for.